Friday, April 10, 2020

important places

most of us have special places, where experienced magical moments, or maybe the experiences became magical memories.  Below are a few of my places.

The first entitled Fishing Pond. It was a real pond just a little northeast of the town I lived in during my teenage years. We would hike out or later drive our cars, and fish after work. The pond was full of largemouth bass and northern pike. So many wonderful wonderful days fishing at his spot.

This next one is entitled Lost Creek. This creek again was just north of town on the outskirts of town. It was a wonderful place for adventure. Never caught any fish here, but captured all sorts of aquatic creatures. Wading down the middle of the creek in the shade of the trees, during the middle of a hell hot August was a treat not soon forgotten.

The Bend by the Bridge .  It painting in of a place on the Dismal River, right before an old wooden bridge that used to span the river. The bridge is gone now, but the river remains. For a while a picnic table was on this piece of land, and canoers would stop and eat some lunch and rest before attempting the river again.

 This painting in entitled Grandpa's Barn. It isn't my grandpa's exact barn, but when i saw this barn, I realized it was the same style as grandpa's and the windmill was in also the same place as the windmill beside my grandfather's barn.

Blue Creek.  This little creek has held a special place in the history of Nebraska and the land even before it became Nebraska.  The creek does have an amazing almost sacred aura about it.

Iris is the Park . .this painting is included because it takes me two special places, One to my grandma's flower beds, she had the most beautiful flower beds of iris. She grew and created many unique colors and breeds of iris. This also takes me to the city park of the town in which I now live. Sitting in the sun, soaking up the sun after a bout with cancer, I looked up and saw this individual iris growing in the park, and I decided I had to paint it, it was my destiny.

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