Saturday, April 29, 2023


Spring along the river,
a favorite time of year,
little ones new to the world,
accompany their mothers to water,
while plants the prettiest green,
and flowers grow uninvited.


Thursday, April 20, 2023

The Student

a student of mine,
beautiful both inside and out,
though no one seemed to notice,
partly her fault,
her wit, so sharp and cutting,
classmates afraid,
and boys intimidated,
her career long and successful,
the thank you sincere,
telling me, I taught her to think,
a student of mine,
beautiful both inside and out.


Saturday, April 15, 2023


hidden valleys safe from harm,
protected by miles and miles of nothing,
only grass and sand,
heaven on earth,
or maybe just purgatory,
awaiting the final call.

 hidden valleys safe from harm,


Tuesday, April 11, 2023

thoughts on sexuality and gender etc. . .

 This past week I read a letter to the editor of a newspaper, saying the reason we should accept all the new genders etc, is because we should honor and respect the relationship that God has with these people. He basically then went on to question others' relationship with God, and belittle them for being small-minded, and questioning the relationship they have with God.

  My problem with this letter and bishop is this, doesn't responsibility to honor the relationship with God go both ways. Read the Bible, there are numerous places the Bible talks of God knowing us in our Mom's womb. Passages about how He created us. Isn't changing God's creation, disrespectful to God ?  We are called to take up our crosses, and are repeatedly reminded we, as followers of Christ, are no longer of this world.  Changing sexes to feel we better fit into this world, seems to go against these teachings.   

    The problem I have with this bishop is that I doubt his understanding of the Christian faith, and his understanding of the Bible. If we have no respect for our own relationship to God and Jesus Christ, it doesn't matter how well we treat others, or include others . . .it just won't matter. We will all be doomed.



Friday, April 7, 2023

Springtime on the Dismal,

plants green,

and hopes new,

worries far away,

about loan payments,

and feed bills,

a thankfulness fills the soul,

allowed to experience a springtime on the Dismal.