Monday, October 4, 2021

Thoughts for today 10/4/2021

 1.  It is hard for people, especially Americans, in this day and age to remember, being alive today is not a given, a guarantee, it is a gift. Every day is a gift, unique in and of itself. Covid 19 doesn't have a damn thing to do with this fact. This was a fact before Covid-19 ever existed. 

2. During a "real" pandemic, the behavior of a government would be to lessen the panic, and downplay the fear. This pandemic, the behavior of the government has been to stoke the panic, and intensify the fear, using the fear to gain and expand control of the population.

3. The hierarchy of most religions, especially the Catholic religion, have expressed the belief, through their actions in a time of pandemic, that Covid-19 is in fact, more powerful than God. And that a belief in God, is only a belief in themselves, they are the ones in control of the situation. God has no control at all. Sacraments can be denied laity, because the sacraments themselves have no real power in our daily lives . .only Covid-19 does . . . . The belief in God, and His actions, depend completely and totally on the actions of the bishops and pope of the Catholic church. God has no power, independent of themselves and their beliefs.

 4. The government of the United States believes freedom to be much more dangerous than the virus, we call Covid-19.

5. Lives end, each and every day. No lives are ever saved, they still end. The question becomes who gets to control when a live ends. Should the government have control of how a life ends? If so, then doesn't it have to control how a life is lived? And if this is also true, then whose life, does this life belong to, the individual or the government? 

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