Friday, January 24, 2020

Impeachment Folly

         The only way this impeachment was ever going to work for the Democrats was if America saw the Democratic majority favoring impeachment as "the guys in the white hats", the same way, these democrats see themselves. During a partisan impeachment it is really difficult for America to see the distinction between the good guys and the bad guys. It is much easier to just see Democrats and Republicans arguing political bullshit. The Democrats knew Trump was not and is not going to be impeached. They knew that, regardless of how delusional Adam Schiff seems during his presentations. The Democrats had to know that, if they didn't know that, they are piss poor politicians, and shouldn't be in charge of our country anyway.  I don't hate the democrats, or Adam Schiff, but I almost pity him, because he does not seem to have a firm grasp on reality.  It is disturbing to me, to think of him being the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, the same way it is at times disturbing to think of Trump as President. To believe the conspiracies Schiff, and the democrats  believe in, you basically have to disbelieve all the executive branch of government and much of the legislative and judicial branches also. Everyone is lying, but the democrats and  few chosen people, they choose to believe. Schiff, as a "guy in a white hat" knows all of Trump and the Republicans motivations and concerns, and they are all evil, while Schiff's and the Democrats' intentions are all honest and pure.
         So why would Schiff and the democrats put the nation through an impeachment trial, when he and they knew, Trump would not be impeached, and the impeachment trial would be like a bomb, blowing up the people's faith in the government . . which ever way the trial ended. Why do that?   Patriotism ?    You have to be kidding !!
          What happens to the people's faith, when proven or not, Schiff, and the democrats claim the republicans cheated to win the 2016 election, and have already cheated to win the 2020 election. Will that justify half of the nation attacking the other half, regardless of who wins in 2020. If the Republicans win, they cheated, if the Democrats win, they won because Trump was damaged because of this "fake" impeachment. I personally find it extremely hypocritical of the Democrats, to profess a love of this nation, and government, when their acts are hostile to its continued existence. Schiff and the Democratic majority who voted this impeachment  were ready and willing to destroy this government, because they saw themselves as the "good guys in the white hats".  Sorry but this is all just political bullshit, there are no white or black hats . . . .there are just millions, and millions,  of Americans who will become more disillusioned with our government, and more willing to believe anyone on the other side of the political aisle is a crooked son of a bitch. So sad, makes one wonder if America can survive the ignorance, and chickenshit motives and intentions of the ruling class. Both republican and democrat . . .

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