Friday, July 8, 2022



News Feed posts

The Democrat elites in Washington don't care about Americans. They have repeatedly shown this to be true. Obsessed with Donald Trump, Trump has been gone for two years and yet that is the most important, if not the only thing on their minds.
1. After losing the 2016 election, instead of attempting to better the lives of Americans, they created a "Russian Hoax" costing millions and millions of dollars. Creating distrust among the citizens and different branches of government.
2. Instead of preparing for Covid 19, the Washington Democrats spend precious weeks attempting to impeach Trump even when they knew it was an impossibility. So instead of preparing for a pandemic, they spent months in an impeachment.
3. After winning the 2020 election, instead of governing, they again spent millions and millions of dollars to impeach Trump. Trump and his followers were never a threat to the government, Trump was and is a threat to the elites in Washington. Jan. 6th, more than anything was a sign a good portion of the population was on to the farce that is Washington politics. It has less to do with Trump than it does to people figuring out, the elites have been screwing over most of America for the last 50 or 60 years.
4. Finally, instead of addressing many of the problems caused by neglect and the pandemic, Democrats would rather spend their time talking about Trump's actions of Jan. 6. Inflation continues, with high gas and food prices, an open border and crime, and uncertainty across the world, with Ukraine being destroyed, Afghanistan starving, we are supposed to worry about Trump throwing food, or cursing his Secret Service . . .It is obvious to anyone with half a brain, Washington could give a shit less about common, hard working Americans. They won't be caring in the future, but they will sure being trying to convince America otherwise.

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