Wednesday, March 4, 2020


 Sometimes painting have secrets to them, that no one else can know. These four paintings have a secret, which I am happy to share. I love all four of these paintings, because the painting expresses me, and who and what I was, in that moment in time, at least expresses me to my satisfaction. The paintings' colors and lines express just what I wanted to express, even if I can't put it into words. When I spent time with the concept of giving each of these paintings a title. I tried to give the painting a title which fit the that moment in my life. . .This first painting I entitled . .First Kiss. 

This painting was one in which the colors and lines captured my essence in that moment. But later looking at the painting, I noticed a "surprise", and thus it affected how I entitled this painting. I entitled this painting. . The Dragon Lair.

This painting was a painting I was going to either entitle, In the Beginning, or Creation. I decided to go with "Creation".

This final painting is one of my all time favorites. But I didn't really know what to call it. Not long after this painting, I had a dream, and the dream was about the time my family witnessed a "Sun Dance" up in South Dakota. But during the dream, this painting flashed in the dream, and I realized, it was connected to the memory. I entitled it "The Ghost Dance".

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