Random Thoughts

Impeachment Politics
November 15th, 2019

I have been watching the congressional impeachment hearings/trials with witnesses Mr. Kent, Taylor and  Ms. Yovanovitch. Here is the first thing you need to know, regardless of political party. These people believe they are smarter than you, they are more entitled than you, and they should be treated different than you. If this was Downton Abbey, they would be upstairs while the majority of America would be downstairs. They are in fact what is wrong with our government, the Trump presidency is only a symptom of this ailment. This class of people are comparable in my opinion to the communist party members in the old USSR.  They join the ruling elite class out of high school or college and remain a part of that class the rest of their lives. They also remain a part from America  . .the real America. This is the class of people I voted for Trump to bring down. The disrespect shown America by the Democrats with these bullshit hearings is truly galling. Adam Schiff and Pelosi seem to believe Americans so ignorant, if they can tell enough lies and use stage craft to create the best setting to spout these lies, America will easily be manipulated, by these more capable and better human beings. I am hoping and praying this is not the case. 
By the way, You want to see how congress treats and/or treated real Americans . . . .go on the C-span site on the computer and look up the videos of the IRS and Tea Party scandal, and see how the Democrats treated those witnesses. Witnesses of misbehavior by the government. Turns one's stomach to see how messed up America has become.

October 13th, 2019

The Trinity

Won't get into all the doctrinal discussions of the Trinity. But in conversations talking about the Trinity, and thinking of the Trinity, I have come to some conclusions about the Trinity.
 I personally think of the Trinity, God-The Father, Jesus-The Son, and the Holy Spirit, as God's presence existent in three realms of my existence. 
God, exists in my mind, as the creator. I know in my mind of His Existence, because of my existence. I feel His presence in my existence. Through the knowledge of wrong and right, and the beautiful, God reveals His Existence to the human mind. When things make "sense" and a peacefulness of thought exists, it is the presence of God in this realm.
Jesus, exists in my heart, and in my relationships to God and others. His life was an example of how to feel and act within these relationships.  Jesus exists within my heart to deal with the feelings of loneliness and emptiness which exist in every life. His presence in this realm allows me to find paths out of myself into relationship with God and others and the outside world.
The Holy Spirit, exists within the 'outside' world, independent of me. The Holy Spirit is God's presence within the world. The Holy Spirit's presence within the world, allows us to connect with God, and use His power to change the world. When we pray for others we are asking God's Spirit to reveal Itself, to others and the world as a whole.
The Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit existing in three realms: the mind, the heart and world outside of self.


Democrats seem to be losing their minds, over Trump's phone call to the Ukrainian president. Why? Is it what he said that has them going crazy. No, it is what they think they heard that has them going crazy. What they think of Trump has tinted their view of everything he says or does. It is so extreme it is laughable. Yesterday, on MSNBC, a commenator on MTP talked of Trump executing people, seriously . . .they are losing their minds. . . .but MSNBC didn't have far to go . . .Look at their daily line up of journalists . . .the morning starts off, featuring a journalist, who was a former congressman, but quit when one of his female aides died in his home office. No public investigation or anything, he just resigned his seat . .that program is followed by another supposed news program, hosted by a person, who during the crash of 08, sold more  stock derivatives, than any other person in the United States. The same derivatives that many people believe caused the crash in 08. Later in the day, the network has programs hosted by a former intern, and lover, of the network's star, hired with little or no experience in journalism.  Later in the afternoon you have a program hosted by a person who worked for the most incompetent white house, and presidential campaign in history, (George W. Bush's white house, and John McCain's campaign)  this host should know about how not to handle the p.r. around current events, but continually recalls how they handled it, during her time in the white house and on the campaign. Both historically bad. Next you have a program in which the host never finished college. The host is wonderful at the little trivial gossip of political life, but seems void of being able to gasp deep political thought, or positions. The show is all glitz, little underneath, and yet these are the people trying to discuss Trump and politics in our nation at this time. Is it little wonder, liberal America has no damn idea of what is happening, when this is their news source.

I had reason recently to discuss Christianity. Basically the discussion centered on how two-faced Christians were, who supported President Trump. I was told, look at his past, look how ungodly he is.  What I argued was that didn't matter, because we don't live in the past, and if we did judge President Trump, we risked being judged ourselves, and by the same standards. Later I realized the person had not understood what I had tried to explain, and that might have been on me. So decided to dust off this old page and write about it here.

My points about the past and judging people, were not, and are not, personal viewpoints in my opinion. I believe both of these views are core principles of Christianity and the Bible.  As a CHRISTIAN, once you accept Jesus Christ into your life, and ask His forgiveness for your sins, your past is forgiven. You start with a clean slate. Christianity is about your present relationship with God, and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. This emphasis is always in the present . .it isn't about the sins you may have previously committed, or the wonderful things you might have done in the past. Christianity is about this moment in time, and your relationship to God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. My momentary anger, or cruelness, even if just for the moment, affects my Christianity, my relationships. Jesus Christ died for our sins, but that does not relief us of our responsibility to live our lives as Christians, in a continuous attempt to build the relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Being Christian is not easy, it isn't only about love, but is also about responsibility, and commitment.

In regard to judging, we can not and should not judge people, but it is also important to stand up for Gospel truths and beliefs. To be against sin, is not judgment, but logic implies we have to make judgments regarding sin in our own lives. We have to make judgments about all matter of issues in our society and lives.  Being against same sex marriages, does not mean I am judging anyone in a same sex marriage. It means I believe same sex marriage to be sinful. I base this judgment on my understanding, and Christian understanding of the sacrament of marriage. As to people, such as President Trump, or Speaker Pelosi, I am not in a position to judge them as people, but I believe as a Christian I am called to make a judgment on the positions they take or advocate.


December 26th, 2012
Christmas is over, and the world has not ended. Though it seems sometimes the American experiment in self government is about to end. 
The financial cliff defined:
a. a nuclear option, with one last attempt to rein in spending and turn things around.
b. theater for the bored, and politically uninformed. Keeps them from thinking about real  things.
c. a new beginning for America, in which the government will dictate the value and availability of goods and services. The government will decide whom can and cannot keep the wealth generated.

Growing up watching baseball, football and basketball on television, I would have never thought that my favorite sport to watch on television would be European Football (Soccer).  Life seems to always throw us curves, we never see coming. A baseball analogy to explain my love for watching soccer. Ironic . . . . . . .

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