Bits and Pieces from Public Writings
_____________The following information was sent to Nebraska Citizen from Douglas Polk on October 24, 2005. Doug does not have a web page nor apparently the ability to have one made. Doug provided the picture you see here. He has given Nebraska Citizen permission to post the following:

Born and raised in Oshkosh, NE, until my freshman year of high school, I moved to Stapleton, Nebraska . My family owned two ranches on the Dismal River of central Nebraska. We lost one of the ranches in the 1980's and my sister and her husband operate the other. I have lived in the district my entire life. I love the Sand Hills, and truly feel an ache to be away from them. I am an educator having taught or coached at Shelton, Broken Bow, Gates Rural School, Sumner-Eddyville-Miller and the "I Believe in ME" Ranch in Kearney, NE. I should probably mention I also was on the Advisory Committee the State Board of Education regarding special education back in the early 1990's.
I wanted to write and introduce myself. My name is Doug Polk and I am a republican candidate for the House of Representatives.
In the news if you have heard of my campaign you have probably heard that I am a substitute teacher in the Kearney School System. While I would rather not have it become a part of the campaign I feel I should explain why I am a substitute teacher and living in Kearney, Nebraska. My oldest son, Ethan, is a special needs child. He faces the daily challenge of living with cerebral palsy, and is mildly to moderately developmentally delayed, (retarded. . .though I prefer developmentally delayed.) Due to the challenges of Ethan’s situation, my wife and I agreed that being a substitute teacher allows me more flexibility than to teach full time. The reason we reside in Kearney is because of the need to be near medical facilities capable of dealing with Ethan’s situation. We had lived in Ansley, Nebraska for eight years until the doctors mandated that we move to a more medically equipped community.
Born and raised in Oshkosh, NE, until my freshman year of high school, I moved to Stapleton, Nebraska . My family owned two ranches on the Dismal River of central Nebraska. We lost one of the ranches in the 1980's and my sister and her husband operate the other. I have lived in the district my entire life. I love the Sand Hills, and truly feel an ache to be away from them. I am an educator having taught or coached at Shelton, Broken Bow, Gates Rural School, Sumner-Eddyville-Miller and the "I Believe in ME" Ranch in Kearney, NE. I should probably mention I also was on the Advisory Committee the State Board of Education regarding special education back in the early 1990's.
I have experience in the newspaper industry, working as a Sports Editor at the Custer County CHIEF, and as an editor of the Minden COURIER. I also was a columnist and outdoor reporter for the Kearney HUB. I am also a published author and poet, and have experience working in the Insurance Industry as an independent agent out of my brother and father's Insurance Agency formerly in Stapleton, Nebraska. (Graduate of UNK)
The reason I decided to run from congress was and is because I am concerned about many of the recent developments in government.
Being an educator I am very concerned about the federal government’s intervention into education with the No Child Left Behind Act. This could cause major future problems, and takes more control from the local area. Responsibility has to stay at the local level, I believe responsibility is what creates community. Knowing we can rely on each other and are responsible for each other, to me is much more comforting than thinking about Washington looking after the needs of my children.
I believe The War on Terror can not continue to be used as an excuse to expand governmental power. The war in Iraq also raises many questions regarding U.S. involvement in the region. I, personally, find the situation upsetting because of number of my former students and colleagues are or have been on duty in Iraq. When many of the students were talked into the National Guard to pay for college the impression left with a number of them was that the Guard was a way to avoid active involvement. I am not sure many of these kids were and are trained to the degree they needed to be to be over in Iraq.
The water situation in the western U.S. only continues to get worse. If the state doesn’t get some definite water laws and definitions into the law books, I believe our water will be targeted by many of the more populated states of the arid west.
The agricultural sector of the economy continues being neglected by Washington and the politicians. I don’t think much of the nation realizes or understands how critical the situation is in agriculture and rural America. Light needs to be brought to the situation and real attempts made to change the culture of Washington regarding agriculture. It seems to often agriculture has been repeatedly sold out by the Washington politicians. There are not any easy solutions, but let’s quit attempting the same old sorry solutions over and over again.
The medical situation in rural America is depressing. While Kearney is a beautiful place and a wonderful place to live, it would be nice to have the medical facilities to allow many of us to live where we chose. Since moving to Kearney I have met a number of people, many older folks, who also were forced or felt forced to leave the rural areas because of the lack of health care. This problem also needs to be explored and addressed.
Education, water, government intervention and foreign involvements, agriculture, and the medical situation of rural America are the main issues I will be discussing in my campaign. There are no easy answers or easy fixes, but the hardest part sometimes is just being heard . . .That is what my campaign is about, getting your voices heard. Attempting to get the voices of the rank and file republicans in the district heard, I do not ask for political contributions for my campaign. Too many times those contributions come from a small wealthy minority more interested in maintaining power or protecting their own interests instead of initiating true change.
Well, I thank you kindly for your time. .
Thanks again,
Douglas L. Polk
1714 9th Avenue
Kearney, NE 68845
1714 9th Avenue
Kearney, NE 68845
Douglas Polk - $0 raised, '06 election cycle, Nebraska (NE ...
Ag groups sponsor forum for 3rd District candidates
KEARNEY - Nine agricultural organizations will sponsor a forum for the 3rd District congressional candidates to give the public an opportunity to meet and question the candidates.
The forum is being sponsored by the Nebraska Association of Resources Districts, Nebraska Cattlemen, Nebraska Corn Growers Association, Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation, Nebraska Independent Community Bankers, Nebraska Pork Producers Association, Nebraska Rural Electric Association, Nebraska Soybean Association and Nebraska Water Resources Association.The forum will be at 2 p.m. Monday in Room C at the Kearney Holiday Inn. Four of the six candidates seeking the 3rd District seat - Adrian Smith, John Hanson, Jay Vavricek and Douglas Polk - have indicated they will participate. Ken Rahjes of KRVN Radio in Lexington will serve as moderator.
The forum will last two hours. Each candidate will make opening remarks and respond to questions from a panel of reporters. During the second hour, the candidates will respond to written questions from the audience.
Admission to the forum is free.
3rd District Candidates Bios and three key issues Posted: May 4, 2006 at 12:00 am
One of the five candidates, David Harris of Kilgore, did not respond to the Hub's request for information. Other candidates shared personal background and their views on key issues.
Name: Douglas L. Polk
Age: 46
Address: 1714 Ninth Ave., Kearney
Occupation: Substitute Teacher
Spouse/Family: Wife Janice, children Ethan and Ben.
Prior Elected Offices: None
Three Key Issues:
"Education. The present administration has opened up education to government intervention. The education of America's youth is being threatened by politicians attempting to gain political advantage. The No Child Left Behind Law is a disgrace and should be reformed or repealed as soon as possible. Control of education should stay at the local level.
"War on Terror. The U.S. military has achieved the military objectives set before it when asked to invade Iraq. The presence of U.S. troops allowed Iraqis the freedom to hold elections determining Iraq's future. Creating a democracy in Iraq takes the cooperation of the Iraqi people. The U.S. military cannot create this democracy, and to attempt to do so is not a military objective. Our troops deserve better foreign policy and planning in regard to their mission in Iraq.
"Rural America and global trade have become the trumpeting call of the 21st century. Leaders in Washington believe the answer to economic growth and development is free trade and a global economy. The security of our nation does not depend on the invasion of some nation halfway around the world, but depends on strengthening and not abandoning rural America in the search of a quick buck."
Name: Adrian Smith
Age: 35
Address: 1150 N. St., Gering
Occupation: Real estate agent, owner of self-storage facility
Spouse/Family: Single
Prior elected office: Nebraska state senator, 1999 to present; Gering City Council, 1994-1998
Three Key Issues:
"The top three areas of concern for the 3rd District are agriculture, transportation (primarily roads and air transportation), and telecommunications. I have dealt with these issues in the Legislature over the past eight years, having served on the Natural Resources Committee and the Transportation and Telecom-munications Committees. We need to encourage the private sector to invest in these areas.
"New government programs and regulations are not the best way to combat the challenges we face. Regulations on livestock operations are getting to be so burdensome that small and medium-sized feeding operations are being forced out of business. I was glad to support LB 975 from this past legislative session. This bill had broad support because many realized government regulations that force operations to get larger have a negative impact on the local community and the producer.
"My plan for rural economic growth includes accelerated depreciation for commercial areas of small, depressed communities. A new government program and/or a check from the government would not be necessary.
"My record in the Unicameral includes voting against excessive budget increases and against the tax increases, some of which have since been repealed."
Name: John Hanson
Age: 44
Address: 6226 E. Cedar Hills Pl., Kearney
Occupation: Ag producer and cattleman
Spouse/Family: Wife Kyle, children, Easton, Justus, Brennan and Elika
Prior Elected Offices: None
Three Key Issues:
"The top issues in this congressional race relate to strengthening rural Nebraska economically, culturally and fiscally.
"1) Strengthening our agriculture-based economy is a major issue for our district because we are the number one congressional district in number of cattle, acres of corn and the number of people who list agriculture as their primary occupation. I'm the only candidate in this race with real experience in production agriculture and cattle, coupled with experience working with Congress. When agriculture is strong, our community businesses and banks are strong. We should support our renewable fuel industry to eliminate our dependence on foreign oil and create new opportunities for rural areas.
"2) Strengthening our family values and national security is important. We must stand up to protect the sanctity of life, traditional marriage, rural health care and local control of education. We must support veterans' benefits, preserve 2nd Amendment rights and have a strong immigration policy that protects our national security.
"3) Strengthening our nation by balancing our federal budget and controlling spending can be achieved through sound tax policy and support of revenue neutrality, which requires that new legislation with a price tag be coupled with corresponding cuts in ineffective programs."
Name: Jay Vavricek
Age: 52
Address: 2729 Brentwood Blvd., Grand Island
Occupation: Owner, Legacy Communications
Spouse/Family: Wife Jan, daughter Joanna and her husband Alan Usher, son Joe.
Three Key Issues:
"Success of Agriculture. As we face the 2007 Farm Bill, we need to create a safety net that's triggered by actual revenue, not just on yield or price. We need increased support to entrepreneurial small business and farming operations, subsidy allotments that support market demands, crop insurance provisions that protect farmers from drastic changes, an increased focus on water management, new opportunities with ethanol and biodiesel, and increased trade opportunities.
"Economic growth. I've seen firsthand how job creation can stimulate a local economy. Rural communities need jobs for growth and support, and without an educated and reliable workforce, businesses and entrepreneurs will look elsewhere. In Congress I will actively work toward creating jobs in sectors affecting the rural economy by providing economic incentives to entrepreneurs that want to create or expand businesses in rural communities.
"Immigration. America needs a rock-solid national security defense that balances national security, economic growth and community harmony. This means ending current unenforceable and confusing laws replaced with real solutions that provide a border security defense, clear requirements for entry, increased visas and guest worker provisions, integrated biometric and intelligence screening, and an undocumented worker penalty reimbursement program."