Wednesday, June 26, 2024



the brush not confident,

the artist confused,

yet the soul screams for expression.


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Summer Memories

 Summer days at the swimming hole,

The joy real,

Naked and free,

A modern Adam,

in an Eden all his own.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A Prayer


a breeze,

the breath of God,

serene and soothing,

calming both body and soul,

heart and mind,

reminding me,

we are not alone,

if we choose not to be,

Thank you God for your presence,

Thank you God for the choice.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Rights Endangered

Ukraine and Israel defend their nations,
to save lives and people's rights,
Taiwan and Hong Kong attempt to secure rights and traditions,
endangered by both enemies and time,
while here in America,
rights basically given away,
education, church and state,
all corrupt and rotting,
yet in different ways,
but at similar rates.
politicians, professors and priests,
perverts and hypocrites,
stabbing and chocking America,
and sucking her blood,
selfish, small people,
only worried of themselves,
and their status and wealth,
rights most endangered in these United States,
where people bought and sold,
slaves to the government out of control.