Monday, November 28, 2022

Darkness Reigns

eyes on the ground,
too weary to look the future in the eyes,
the darkness comes,
along with the winter,
thoughts heavy,
the mind troubled,
no place now a place of peace,
instead uncertainty reigns,
as we are left to look for lights in the darkness.


Friday, November 18, 2022


tomorrow unknown,
not a promise,
only a hope,
the key to live today,
and not live  in tomorrows,
always waiting for the future to come,
enjoy the moment,
live it mind body and soul.


Tuesday, November 8, 2022

That Time of the Year

from All Saints Day until Ash Wednesday,
death in the forefront of the mind,
but for the Savior's birth,
darkness the prevailing mood,
the cold begins,
wearying both mind and body,
Thanksgiving and football games,
a man-made reprieve, 
precious hours in which death not pondered,
ashes to ashes,
and dust to dust,
die you will,
die you most,
this not my favorite time of the year.