Thursday, October 27, 2022

November nears

November nears,
and darkness descends,
America at odds.
Ukraine under attack,
while Russia erased on the world stage,
crazy upside down world,
Biden, and Trump cartoon characters,
roaming the halls of the White House,
fringe groups left and right,
remind one of the nazis,
and  governing democrats and republicans akin to the communist party of the old USSR,
rights and privileges greater than the average joe,
yes, November nears,
and darkness descends.


Monday, October 17, 2022

fall begins

colors orange, brown and gray,
gone the green of Spring and Summer,
the cold approaches,
the blood slows,
the muscles ache,
a season to survive,
awaiting the return of spring,
somber and faded,
the landscape,
and the sky, 
blue replaced with shades of gray,
 the memories of summer,
slowly dying away,
the colors of fall,
orange, brown and gray.


Monday, October 10, 2022


Uncertainty breeds fear,
a president lost in a fog,
unsure of where or even sometimes who he is,
a war in Europe never ending,
money given to a nation, called both the most corrupt nation in Europe,
and yet the beacon of democracy,
which is it?
climate change, a confused concept,
no answers in sight,
just throw ideas against the wall,
solutions more about control and manipulation, than about solving anything,
laws ignored, except for the law-abiding public,
criminals and politicians, free to do as they wish,
uncertainty breeds fear,
and then contempt,
until the dragon released,
and the future uncertain,
as it always was and is.


Tuesday, October 4, 2022


A way of life seems to be accompanying me to my grave,
the world now unreal, located on a computer or cellphone screen,
the beauty of the world only seen in glimpses, or on vacations to far away places,
livestock have become an enemy of the state, 
climate a problem, men will attempt to solve,
arrogant as they are,
a way of life seems to be accompanying me to my grave.