I believe this is a unique time in history. We are seeing lots of changes in our world. The main two reasons for all these changes, and these unique times in history, are in my opinion, the Trump Presidency and the Worldwide Pandemic. These two events seemed to cause a panic all across the world among the world's elites. If there was not a Trump Presidency, I don't think there would have ever been a pandemic. The Trump Presidency high lighted many of the flaws in our culture and world. I believe it was an underlying factor in forcing the elites of the world to attempt to establish a reset of world politics and culture. This "Great Reset" attempts to use this pandemic to re-establish and re-define political and cultural control around the world. This "reset" attempts to re-define God, and remove Him and His controlling influence from our culture and civilization. This "reset" began under Obama's Presidency, with the passing of Obama Care being the first and most important step in this process. Obama Care was never first and foremost about healthcare, but was about control. Finance and Education were already influenced and controlled by the government, but Obama Care was about controlling individual lives, and health care could be weaponized against the individual, so much easier than finance and education. So I will start by looking at Obama Care.
Obama Care
One thing this pandemic as done, has shown what a success Obama Care is and will continue to be. The United States leads the world in both cases and deaths from this pandemic. Our health care system has never been as strong as it is now. (lol)
What were the goals of Obama Care, according to its creators?
1. Provide health care for people for people without insurance, by partly replacing private health insurance. The health care industry and insurances companies were alright with this, if it kept the money flowing, but this ultimately gave the government control of health care.
2. Obama Care decided how people would be covered, and what illnesses would be covered. There would still be private insurance, but the government would control the coverage.
3. People when accessing health care will be treated equally, and only have access to the same services through the insurance.
4. Decisions regarding health care would be taken away from individual doctors and patients and be given to the government. The government instead of health insurance companies would make the decisions about providing health care.
and thus, doctors and patients no longer make the most important decisions about health care, now the government does. Instead of patients having different options for health care, the government defines the options. The past system allowed doctors and patients to explore individual options. Obama Care no longer allows for this freedom. Health care now will be uniform, throughout the nation. This pandemic as high lighted this fact. Patients will be treated more like livestock, than individual beings, all patients will be forced to be treated for an illness in the same way. In this case, the virus will be treated by mandating vaccinations. No other options will be allowed, regardless of individual circumstance. Doctors who object will be sought out and punished. Patients, under Obama Care became spies for the government, helping to isolate health care workers and individuals who don't agree with the government's approach. Doctors became employees of the government, collecting data from the patients, not to treat the patient's illnesses, but to use this collected data for the governmental control of the health care industry. The government will decide what risks an individual may take, and the morality behind these decisions. God, nor the belief in God, will no longer be allowed to be a factor in these decisions.
Obama Care demanded abortion and birth control be two of the most important things to be covered by insurance. Obama Care re-defined pregnancy as an illness. By doing this, God is removed from millions of people's lives. Abortion became a cure for pregnancy. Little thought was given to the morality of ending lives. Abortion is presented as a solution to a problem, replacing the cultural traditions of responsibility and life being "sacred". The termination of a life is seen as a medical act, ending a pregnancy. It ignores the murder of a baby or fetus, while hiding the violent ending of a life. Even worse, the body of the dead baby became a commodity or an asset to the culture and the government. Baby body parts and cells are then used to produce products for the society, generate money and vaccines. God is removed by the government as the ultimate protector and/or destroyer of life. The government does this, through the use of media, to influence society and its values, changing the things which a nation values.
Government now controls information and data, while performing these duties. It will be the job of the media, to hide or distort information as the government sees fit. The same as past communist states, information and data will no longer be free to access, and people who attempt to access information, or spread information, will be isolated, hunted down and punished. Views that differ from the state will be pressured to conform. My own greatest disappointment is that my own faith, or I should say church, the Roman Catholic Church, melted almost immediately to this pressure, siding with Men, instead of God. The government used the pandemic to shut churches, and deny access to Christians, especially Catholics to sacraments, and graces which flow from them. It has quickly become apparent that much of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, are not first and foremost, followers of Christ, but are nothing more than scared politicians. Using their influence and power to mislead Christians into compliance with the state.
These unique times might not be the end times, but these are times the Bible speaks of repeatedly. God is no threat to this world. We, ourselves, are the demons who will bring about the destruction of all we once knew as "sacred". God in His love of us, allows us, this free will. . . to destroy ourselves and sadly we are well on our way to doing so.
That is what is "Great Reset" has been about, that is what progressivism has always been about, the destruction of the "sacred".