On this Sunday morning I thought I would share this poem. After watching a show debating Jesus Christ and his ministry on television one day, I wrote this poem. Always was proud of this poem because I shared it was my aunt, who was also a poet, and she said, she wished she had written one of the lines, which was and is a major compliment.Was published 2013.
Jesus Christ Defined
Jesus Christ,
begot and not made,
co-conspirator when plans for the universe developed and laid,
both fully God,
and fully man,
understand that, if you can,
born to die, so we could live,
His reason to be,
salvation for all, who do believe,
Christ, with the courage to give us hope,
and love and joy for eternity,
He is the door for you and me,
begot and not made,
existing before the universe created and laid.