Friday, December 31, 2021
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
the darkness spreads,
and truth and justice die,
compromise, the killer of character,
the Catholic Church drowns in relativism,
Jesus ignored or misquoted,
Faith now the final pillar of hope,
as the wait for salvation,
slowly moves out of reach of the multitudes . . . . .
Thursday, December 16, 2021
three poems on DM du Jour in 2012
Douglas Polk — THREE POEMS
The sun rises outside the bedroom window,
a kindly orange and yellow,
a good omen,
across the room,
she moans in her sleep,
her breathing shallow and ragged,
I wonder if she remembers,
or is conscious of the fact,
another round of chemo begins today.
afraid to turn on a light,
or open a door,
the fear alive and growing,
unknown where the odious creature lurks,
mysteriously stalking throughout the day,
the fact known it feeds on fear,
the uneasy mind already within its clutches,
controlled and manipulated,
though in truth,
the creature nowhere in sight,
survival more a state of mind,
than an anticipated outcome.
Watching as the final breath leaves her body,
unsure of where her essence has gone,
the body still warm, but the eyes cold,
an ultimate end,
each day one step closer,
surprising depression isnt more rampant,
but what to do,
Death only part of the ride,
as our planet spins into eternity.
Monday, December 13, 2021
Poems from 2014
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Two Poems
an incompetent old man sits in the oval office,
his political career, a road map of corruption,
with the touch of the damned, he fingers the levers of power,
death and destruction left in his wake,
but never his fault,
unable to comprehend honor, or justice, or responsibility,
he mumbles his excuses,
out of touch, and ignorant of the reality around him.
A Political Act
the Covid Pandemic,
created to bring down a President,
was it worth the death and the destruction,
the damned, absolutely believe it to be so,
lies beget lies,
the web continues to grows,
a political act of human destruction,
an act of war,
by the elite upon the poor,
sponsored and paid for, by the government,
and party leaders,
both Republican and Democrat,
humanity, not to be saved,
but only controlled,
by this political act,
taken by desperate men the world over.
Thursday, December 2, 2021
Douglas Polk- A Poem
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
The Journey
Monday, November 22, 2021
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Two Poems which appeared at Poppy Road Review in 2015
Two Poems by Douglas Polk
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
A Winter Painting
the colors opaque,
no warmth,
a winter painting,
the season of darkness,
the sun,
year after year,
hoping to sneak away,
without anyone noticing,
but we do notice,
raising our voices in complaint.
Sunday, November 7, 2021
Friday, November 5, 2021
Reflection: Poem 27
Poem 27
a favorite painting,
created within the throes of depression,
angry brush strokes battle the demons of despair,
swords crossed in an epic struggle,
colors splatted as battles won and lost,
the war continuous,
canvas after canvas,
waged day after day,
until finally too tired to fight any more,
the demons dance,
and drift away victorious.
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Poem Reflection: Unknown
Sunday, October 24, 2021
Sunday, October 17, 2021
Reflection: Skittish
this poem appeared in Whisper Magazine in 2013.
darkness prowls the periphery of my vision,
and my mind,
where the secrets kept,
afraid of the light,
nervous and antsy,
roaming the wastelands of thoughts best forgotten,
yet somehow chained to me,
and unable to be set free,
darkness prowls the periphery.
Friday, October 8, 2021
A question or two regarding Covid-19 and vaccinations
Here in America, all we hear about and deal with regarding vaccination, are the mandates forcing American citizens to get vaccinated. Do yourself a favor, and research online how many countries are banning Covid-19 vaccines in their countries. You also might investigate how those countries are doing combating the virus.
Think about this, why are countries banning the vaccines. I believe you will find, many of the side effects of the vaccines are more common than reported and also the effects are more long term. The side effects may impact the rest of people's lives who have received the vaccines.
The virus Covid-19 basically from the outset has attacked the elderly population of the world, killing old people. It also can be stated as fact, that the way governments have reacted to the virus, has caused more death among the elderly, than the normal population. (Think of New York, New Jersey and Michigan and nursing home deaths.)
If you look behind the vaccines, and look at supporters of vaccination, you will find many people who support population control, abortion, and euthanasia, such as Bill Gates and his foundations.
What if, this push to vaccinate, is a push to use vaccination to control world populations. What if, these vaccines are intended to lessen the life spam of the average person. People who get the vaccine maybe die at age 60 instead of age 80. Think about how this would change the way governments approach the end of life event. Especially financially, this would save millions of dollars, would probably help the elitists deal with their view of the climate crisis, and the health care provided to the world's populations. Governments could control populations, just as ranchers control the population of their livestock, getting rid of the old and elderly members, after those members productivity has decreased . . . . just a thought.
You do realize (and can research), here in America, more people have died from Covid-19 since vaccination programs were implemented than before the option of vaccination was available . . .
. . . . .that seems curious to me, how about anyone else??
Monday, October 4, 2021
Thoughts for today 10/4/2021
1. It is hard for people, especially Americans, in this day and age to remember, being alive today is not a given, a guarantee, it is a gift. Every day is a gift, unique in and of itself. Covid 19 doesn't have a damn thing to do with this fact. This was a fact before Covid-19 ever existed.
2. During a "real" pandemic, the behavior of a government would be to lessen the panic, and downplay the fear. This pandemic, the behavior of the government has been to stoke the panic, and intensify the fear, using the fear to gain and expand control of the population.
3. The hierarchy of most religions, especially the Catholic religion, have expressed the belief, through their actions in a time of pandemic, that Covid-19 is in fact, more powerful than God. And that a belief in God, is only a belief in themselves, they are the ones in control of the situation. God has no control at all. Sacraments can be denied laity, because the sacraments themselves have no real power in our daily lives . .only Covid-19 does . . . . The belief in God, and His actions, depend completely and totally on the actions of the bishops and pope of the Catholic church. God has no power, independent of themselves and their beliefs.
4. The government of the United States believes freedom to be much more dangerous than the virus, we call Covid-19.
5. Lives end, each and every day. No lives are ever saved, they still end. The question becomes who gets to control when a live ends. Should the government have control of how a life ends? If so, then doesn't it have to control how a life is lived? And if this is also true, then whose life, does this life belong to, the individual or the government?
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
a new poem
the reality I have known all my life,
slips further and further away,
with each passing day,
replaced by political,
and cultural bullshit,
never right or wrong,
black or white,
only shades of gray,
while millions sit and whine,
and demand a different reality,
custom made,
by con men,
and crooks,
a.k.a. this country's leaders.
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
End Times or Just Unique Times . .the ravings of a crazed mind.
I believe this is a unique time in history. We are seeing lots of changes in our world. The main two reasons for all these changes, and these unique times in history, are in my opinion, the Trump Presidency and the Worldwide Pandemic. These two events seemed to cause a panic all across the world among the world's elites. If there was not a Trump Presidency, I don't think there would have ever been a pandemic. The Trump Presidency high lighted many of the flaws in our culture and world. I believe it was an underlying factor in forcing the elites of the world to attempt to establish a reset of world politics and culture. This "Great Reset" attempts to use this pandemic to re-establish and re-define political and cultural control around the world. This "reset" attempts to re-define God, and remove Him and His controlling influence from our culture and civilization. This "reset" began under Obama's Presidency, with the passing of Obama Care being the first and most important step in this process. Obama Care was never first and foremost about healthcare, but was about control. Finance and Education were already influenced and controlled by the government, but Obama Care was about controlling individual lives, and health care could be weaponized against the individual, so much easier than finance and education. So I will start by looking at Obama Care.
Obama Care
One thing this pandemic as done, has shown what a success Obama Care is and will continue to be. The United States leads the world in both cases and deaths from this pandemic. Our health care system has never been as strong as it is now. (lol)
What were the goals of Obama Care, according to its creators?
1. Provide health care for people for people without insurance, by partly replacing private health insurance. The health care industry and insurances companies were alright with this, if it kept the money flowing, but this ultimately gave the government control of health care.
2. Obama Care decided how people would be covered, and what illnesses would be covered. There would still be private insurance, but the government would control the coverage.
3. People when accessing health care will be treated equally, and only have access to the same services through the insurance.
4. Decisions regarding health care would be taken away from individual doctors and patients and be given to the government. The government instead of health insurance companies would make the decisions about providing health care.
and thus, doctors and patients no longer make the most important decisions about health care, now the government does. Instead of patients having different options for health care, the government defines the options. The past system allowed doctors and patients to explore individual options. Obama Care no longer allows for this freedom. Health care now will be uniform, throughout the nation. This pandemic as high lighted this fact. Patients will be treated more like livestock, than individual beings, all patients will be forced to be treated for an illness in the same way. In this case, the virus will be treated by mandating vaccinations. No other options will be allowed, regardless of individual circumstance. Doctors who object will be sought out and punished. Patients, under Obama Care became spies for the government, helping to isolate health care workers and individuals who don't agree with the government's approach. Doctors became employees of the government, collecting data from the patients, not to treat the patient's illnesses, but to use this collected data for the governmental control of the health care industry. The government will decide what risks an individual may take, and the morality behind these decisions. God, nor the belief in God, will no longer be allowed to be a factor in these decisions.
Obama Care demanded abortion and birth control be two of the most important things to be covered by insurance. Obama Care re-defined pregnancy as an illness. By doing this, God is removed from millions of people's lives. Abortion became a cure for pregnancy. Little thought was given to the morality of ending lives. Abortion is presented as a solution to a problem, replacing the cultural traditions of responsibility and life being "sacred". The termination of a life is seen as a medical act, ending a pregnancy. It ignores the murder of a baby or fetus, while hiding the violent ending of a life. Even worse, the body of the dead baby became a commodity or an asset to the culture and the government. Baby body parts and cells are then used to produce products for the society, generate money and vaccines. God is removed by the government as the ultimate protector and/or destroyer of life. The government does this, through the use of media, to influence society and its values, changing the things which a nation values.
Government now controls information and data, while performing these duties. It will be the job of the media, to hide or distort information as the government sees fit. The same as past communist states, information and data will no longer be free to access, and people who attempt to access information, or spread information, will be isolated, hunted down and punished. Views that differ from the state will be pressured to conform. My own greatest disappointment is that my own faith, or I should say church, the Roman Catholic Church, melted almost immediately to this pressure, siding with Men, instead of God. The government used the pandemic to shut churches, and deny access to Christians, especially Catholics to sacraments, and graces which flow from them. It has quickly become apparent that much of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, are not first and foremost, followers of Christ, but are nothing more than scared politicians. Using their influence and power to mislead Christians into compliance with the state.
These unique times might not be the end times, but these are times the Bible speaks of repeatedly. God is no threat to this world. We, ourselves, are the demons who will bring about the destruction of all we once knew as "sacred". God in His love of us, allows us, this free will. . . to destroy ourselves and sadly we are well on our way to doing so.
That is what is "Great Reset" has been about, that is what progressivism has always been about, the destruction of the "sacred".
Sunday, September 19, 2021
Reflection: poems from 2019
these poems appeared at Adelaide in 2019
by Douglas Polk
The State of Affairs
ignorance now,
the reality,
yet knowledge accumulated,
easily and endlessly,
on the web,
yet surprisingly,
the process of thought atrophies,
while interaction becomes more difficult,
with each passing day,
more like a herd of sheep,
or swine,
looking for cliffs,
possessed by demons,
of our own design.
Nebraska’s Hills of Sand
wind blown sand,
piled through the eons,
beachfront property,
for even the ocean has fled,
leaving hills of sand,
and desert dry,
an ocean of sand,
and grass,
wave upon wave,
yearning for the sea that once was.
Birds of Spring
cranes heard in the morning light,
a choir,
a thousand voices strong,
the essence of Spring,
celebrating the return of the sun,
flying north or south,
Spring after Spring,
Fall after Fall,
marking the seasons,
better than the calendar on the wall,
cranes heard,
a harbinger of Spring.
Douglas Polk is a poet living in the wilds of central Nebraska with his wife and son, two dogs and three cats. Polk has had over 1,000 poems published in hundreds of publications.
Thursday, September 9, 2021
Reflection: Definition of Truth
poem written and published in May 2016
Definition of Truth
truth no longer exists,
if in fact it ever did,
truth only a majority held belief,
events and data.
tinted and colored,
by the majority view,
truth ultimately possessed by the individual,
seen through a billion eyes,
unique to the strong,
and the spineless.
Sunday, August 22, 2021
The hayloft of Grandpa's Barn
Grandpa's barn was one of my favorite places on his farm, and of places in the barn, the hayloft was my favorite place to be. The barn was built into a side of a hill, so at the back of the barn, you could reach the hayloft from the bed of a pickup. Around to the front of the barn, the loft was probably 20-25 feet high.
I loved playing in the loft, and when I went to the farm with Grandpa, he usually made time for me to play a little in the barn. Sometimes after he was done with his work, he would come and open up the door in front and we would look out over the farm and towards the river valley. I loved those afternoons when we would be able to do that. A few times it was almost dusk and in the winter you could see some fog starting to form in the river valley.
But I have a favorite time in the loft, which has stuck with me though a lifetime. Grandpa had to meet a man, really early at the farm one morning. I don't remember if Grandpa was letting him borrow some equipment or what was going on. We left town really early that day, before the sun rose. When we got to the barn Grandpa decided we would take some hay out to a group of cattle. So he pulled up to the back of the barn and loaded some hay in the back of the pickup, and waited for the guy. I was probably around four or five, and I was really tired. It was probably around 6 a.m., and seeing me yawn, Grandpa told me to lay down for a minute and take a little nap, so I did. I had such a good nap, and during the nap, I heard this beautiful. beautiful singing. It was all female voices, and it was so beautiful it made me almost cry.
By the time I woke up, it was 8:30 or 9:00 a.m., the guy Grandpa met had been there and gone. So over the breakfast Grandpa had packed I told him about the dream and hearing the beautiful singing. I wasn't sure it was a dream, because I remembered laying in the hay, while they sung. I asked Grandpa, if any women were there singing when I was asleep. He didn't know of any, no one had been there, other than the guy he had met, and other than opening a gate for the guy to get the equipment, Grandpa had been right there the whole time. He wondered if maybe the wind blew, and I heard that, but we decided the wind hadn't really blown all that much. Finally, Grandpa said, "You know, maybe it was angels. Sometimes, on really good days, I can almost hear angels sing." The minute Grandpa said it, I knew it was true. I told Grandpa, that hayloft was and had always been my favorite place in the world. Grandpa smiled, and said, "No doubt about it then, it was probably angels."
After that day, I always have thought of the hayloft that way. My favorite place to be . . .the only place I ever heard angels singing to me.....
Friday, August 20, 2021
Stories and thoughts about my Grandpa
My Grandpa. Oscar Jensen, only finished the 6th grade in public school, but he was one of the smartest people I ever knew in my life. As I reach retirement age, I think back on my Grandpa and find I have relied on many of his little sayings, and have watched how things, he talked to be about when I was a child, have manifested themselves in today's world.
One of my Grandpa's "little sayings" was whenever I would get behind the wheel to drive a car, he would always say, be sure to watch for that 'invisible' car. One day, a bit annoyed, I asked him what he meant by that piece of wisdom. His response was, " do you think people purposely allow themselves to get hit by a car. You know, I gave it some thought, and came to the conclusion there must be some "invisible" cars around that people can't see running around the area. So I have decided when I am driving I need to take a second look to make sure there are not any 'invisible' cars around."
I remember shaking my head, and thinking, you crazy old man. But now, I understand. I can't tell you the number of times that advice saved me from some serious, serious auto accidents. Grandpa was thinking about things like that all the time. Another time, after Grandpa had suffered a stroke, he and I were in the backseat of car, waiting for Grandma and my mother to do some shopping. As we sat there, Grandpa noticed all these parked cars still running, while people were in stores. This happened in our small home town, in the mid-1960's. Grandpa noticed all the exhaust fumes and smoke from the exhaust pipes of the cars. It was a brutally cold winter day. He said, "you ever wonder where all that goes, Doug, that smoke. It has to go somewhere, it doesn't just disappear. I can smell it, even when I can't see it, and so can you. It might be harder for you, because I remember back to the way things smelled, before there were cars. That exhaust smell is never gone, and think about the number of cars in the world. It has to be doing things to our environment. . .making plants grow differently, making us breath differently. You almost think it would be making things hotter . . that and cement. Look here at all the cement, covering the ground. You know that cement makes things hotter. Think about how much cooler things are, when we are at the farm, instead of in town. Then think about New York city, or Chicago. . .sure makes a fellow wonder what the world will be like, when you get to be my age."
Grandpa was like that about everything. He pondered things. He loved rocks, and showing me rocks, and showing me how rocks formed. Showed me rocks he had collected that looked like they had melted, or others that looked glued together. Grandpa's farm was one of my favorite places in my childhood. Grandpa had fenced it, in an unusual way. There were lots of gates and a lane or two, which seemed different to me. But when I asked him, why it was the way it was, when he explained it, I realized, he had put lots of thought into how he fenced his farm. The way he did fence it, gave him so much more flexibility regarding how he ran his cattle and how he hayed the farm.
When Grandpa passed away, we cleaned his home, Grandma had passed away first, I purposely kept some boxes with Grandpa's handwriting on them. Fairly recently I found them again, and opened them up. What I found made me smile. The boxes were full of booklets, books and papers from the government and other agencies on about every subject under the sun. . .farming practices, raising cattle, fixing machinery even some books on building radios. There was even a little book on how television worked, how waves carried the images through the air.
My Grandpa only had a sixth grade education, but he wasn't ashamed of that. When I asked him once about school, he said, he couldn't see any reason to continue. He knew he was going to be a farmer, and he figured he could teach himself anything else he would need to know. I have a some college degrees, and because I had some excellent advisors in college, I had the opportunity to teach at the college level in a couple of colleges, while working on advanced degrees, but like my Grandpa, I decided I couldn't see much reason to continue with my education. Hopefully I am like my Grandpa in other ways also, one of the smartest men, it has been my honor to know.
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Reflection: A Smoke
written and published in 2013.
A Smoke
she asked forgiveness.
did not know what she was thinking,
or how she could have betrayed me,
I tried to read her eyes,
but the pack of cigarettes,
on the dresser, was all I could see.
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
Reflection: The Outsider
written and published in 2012.
The Outsider
left out when sides picked for play,
ignored in the classroom if arm raised,
the education completed at an early age,
the outsider.
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Reflection: Systems Down
This poem was written and published in March of 2015.
The system played,
by the immoral,
and the corrupt,
abusing the land,
and changing the culture,
jobs no longer important,
wealth to be taken,
instead of earned.
divided among the schemers,
and the scams,
while the system crumbles from neglect.
Sunday, July 25, 2021
Monday, July 19, 2021
Reflection: Global Warming
Global Warming was written and published in 2016.
Global Warming
global warming,
if man is to blame,
where is the data,
where are the facts.
instead the argument made
about the number of people who believe,
peer pressure is not an argument,
look to the science the president says,
science is NOT an answer,
only a methodology,
science, only certain of the world as it is,
only gives hypotheses,
of what the world shall be,
global warming is NOT a fact,
no matter what the high priest says,
only one of numerous future possibilities,
the reason the the argument,
easier to see,
a government can not tax and enslave if a crisis not true,
the data complex,
the hypothesis,
the science to be questioned before global warming accepted as fact.
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
Reflection: Sparks
This poem written and published in 2016, addresses the division underway, dividing people by sex, color.
a soul,
neither female,
nor male,
nor is it,
black or white,
a soul is of the universe,
a spark of energy,
a spark of life,
yet familiar to the very core,
the brain, . . .only body,
the soul,
spirit . . . .and so much more.
Monday, July 5, 2021
New Poem: Pretend
America now the land of make-believe,
just close your eyes,
and pretend,
President Biden,
competent and sane,
his actions crazy,
repeatedly need to be either ignored,
or explained,
the land over run at the border,
as American citizens sorted,
the good from the bad,
by the "deep" state,
life much more difficult and expensive,
but isn't that a good thing?
the government soon a monopoly,
a loving parent, the Nanny State,
in the land of make-believe.