Gospel of Doug: Psalm 147: Trust in the God Alone
"You either believe in God, or you don't" Marjorie Jensen Polk
It was once thought, America was thought to be a God fearing nation. The advent of Covid-19 has proven the USA, is not only not a God fearing nation, but a nation filled with unbelievers. One of the basic concepts of Christianity is to place our trust in God, Let His Will be done instead of our own. Jesus asked us to give control of our lives to God, and the principles handed down in the Bible. Salvation exists through Jesus Christ. Yet because of Covid-19 we have ignored these principles and have changed the way we live. All in the hopes of survival. We hide in our houses and behind masks in fear of Covid-19. Covid-19, a disease, seemingly much more powerful than God Himself. powerful enough to shut down houses of worship. God evidently plays little or no part in the survival of this disease. Our lives here on earth, even though every life will eventually end, are much more important than any trust we place in God.
Covid-19 also has laid bare the lie that is organized religion. Few Christians realize Christianity is more a philosophy regarding life, than it is an organized religion, based on weekly church service. When I read and ponder the Bible, I suddenly realized the small amount of time Jesus spent in houses of worship, and one of the few times He did, He became seriously upset about how it operated.
As a practicing Catholic, I was led to believe being in church was one of the few places when I could experience the presence of God. But Covid-19 has shown us, how important the church really truly believes that to be. It isn't important enough to have Mass, if that means two percent of us may die. Even though logically, we all are going to die, sooner or later. I guess dying because you were trying to worship and praise the Lord, isn't a good way to die. A better way to die, is hidden in our homes, behind masks, fearing Covid-19, as if it is Satan, Himself. You either believe in God, or you don't.
Second Message from the Gospel of Doug