Monday, December 14, 2020
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Opinion : What is of value?
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Flowers in the Rain
Thursday, October 15, 2020
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Gospel of Doug: Lesson Ten
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
The Gospel of Doug: Lesson Nine
Monday, September 28, 2020
Gospel of Doug: What to Do?
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Gospel of Doug: Relationship with Others
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Friday, September 4, 2020
The Gospel of Doug: Relationship to God
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
The Gospel of Doug: Happy Endings
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Racial Unrest
August 29th, 2020, I just heard a black liberal talking head on MSNBC admit to the fact, the Democratic Party has used Black America to elect Presidents for generations. That is not new, but her theology about the Democratic Party shocked me. . . . . She basically admitted that using race was the only way Democrats had been able to elect a president. She started her diatribe by admitting, the last Democratic President to get a majority of the white vote, was Lyndon Baines Johnson. Carter, Clinton, and Obama, none got a majority of the white vote. Obama only got 39% of the white vote. I was not shocked by that, but what shocked me was, her basically admitting that spreading racial unrest was how the Democratic party approached elections. Democrats were not necessarily interested in helping blacks, only keeping them voting Democratic.
I realized the truth of this, when as a teacher of history, I taught about the racial history in America. The founding of America, and the Constitution, blacks were used to attain power. How? During the writing of the Constitution, an amendment was added to count blacks as 2/3 of a person, to increase the number of citizens in states with slavery, giving those states more representatives and power.
After the Civil War and Blacks were freed, the Democratic Party, intimidated Blacks not to vote. They kept Blacks dependent on the Democratic Party for any of the political freedoms Blacks possessed. Democrats during the next hundred years or so, continued to create racial division and unrest. President Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, segregated the Federal government during his two terms in office. Future Democratic presidents were more than willing to help Blacks as long as Blacks remained dependent on them. Blacks could not show any independence from the Democratic party without suffering retribution. Republicans have ignored Blacks and even been racist towards Black causes, not only because Republicans were indifferent to Black suffering, or in many cases racist, but also because that is what the Democratic Party wanted, and that is how it kept is power. Even LBJ when passing the Civil Rights Act was looking out for the Democratic party, saying Blacks (only he didn’t say Blacks) will vote Democratic for the next two hundred years.
One of the ways, the Democratic Party has kept Blacks powerless, is through their policies towards the Black community. Keep the community dependent on the Democratic Party though social government handouts and keep the population weak , by keeping the population from growing.
Look at population numbers from the United States census. In 1970, Blacks made up 11.1% of the population, Hispanics made up 4.4%, by 1980, Blacks made up 11.7% of the population, Hispanics made up 6.4% of the population, by 1990, Blacks made up 12.1% of the population, Hispanics made up 9.0 % of the population, by 2000, Blacks made up 12.3% of the population, Hispanics 12.5% of the population. By 2010, Blacks made up 12.6.% of the population, Hispanics made up 16.3% of the population. In 2060, the year it is predicted the white population will no longer be the majority population look at the numbers . . .whites are predicted to be 46.7 %, Blacks 12.6 % and Hispanics 31.6 % of the population.
Blacks are losing their political power, because of the polices enforced by the democratic liberals who dominate their politics. Why do think Joe Biden, made the gaffe regarding how he saw the Black and Hispanic communities. Why do you think President Obama deported more Hispanics than any other President in modern history, and yet at the same time created DACA, (which does not solve the problem, only creates a political issue which can be exploited for decades to come.) The democratic liberals, who for decades have used the Black voting base, to get and retain power, are in the process of looking for new racial groups to continue the policy of racial unrest, all for the sake of political power. But not being in position to control the Hispanic vote, they are trying to pander to them, and create relationships with Hispanic votes. The problem being many Hispanic voters are conservative by nature. Thus in 2020, the will be an election of racial unrest . . . . otherwise, as the liberal talking head admitted, we will not win this election.